Hello Writers, Loanoholic.com welcomes new voices every day. Our community looks forward to reading articles related to business. It can also include the financial topic, financial news, finance research work, and particular finance policy. We like to keep our community updated with our articles. Thus, we provide an opportunity to any writer who wishes to use our platform to share content and increase their online visibility.

What We Publish?

We mainly focus on articles and news spreading information about investments, policies, loans, or businesses. You can make it enjoyable by adding tips or “how-to” articles to engage with our readers. One of our primary motives is to publish only original content. Your article will be more likely to get selected if you use images for engagement, proper examples, and headings in your article to make it easy to understand for our readers.

Writers have to submit articles with their brief background as our aim is to provide proper credit for articles to writers.

Plagiarised Content

You should see that your content is plagiarism-free as we allow maximum plagiarism up to 10%. Any part of your article should not be directly copied. No duplicate content would be accepted.

Writers have to submit their articles with proper citations and APA-style references.

What Don’t We Publish?

Once you submit your content, we will examine it parallelly with our “what we don’t publish” guidelines. We would recommend you go through our policies before you submit your content

• Adult Content

We are strictly against content engaging in adultery or discussing illegal matters in any form of content - texts, images, links, or videos.

• Misleading Content

Any information included in your post should not be misleading to our readers. You must not include any vague offers or promises.

• Unrelated Content

As we have explained what our community is about and what kind of content is suitable, you must keep that in mind while choosing your topic. We hope our guidelines were clear to you all, and we look forward to your fresh new ideas.

Writers can reach out to us by mailing us at [email protected] or simply by feeling up below mentioned form. Pitch us your content idea and wait for us to get back to you. Thank You.

Write For Us
